How Decision Science can help carriers win in the Hong Kong Medical Protection market




Medical Protection

Webinar duration:

56 mins


Carriers in Hong Kong are increasingly looking to Medical Protection products as a means to diversify and grow portfolio value. With this heightened competitiveness across both Standard and Flexi VHIS plans, developing and implementing the right product, pricing and distribution strategy is vital. 

This webinar explores how the use of Decision Science, AI and advanced analytics can help Hong Kong carriers win in the Medical Protection market.

Key Points

  • Current areas of focus and competition in the Hong Kong Medical Protection market
  • The opportunities and threats that the current market situation creates
  • The use of analytics to support customer lifetime value, including global examples
  • Pricing approaches that take into account the competitive market context


Speaker headshot

Louis Lee

Deloitte HK
Speaker headshot

Nathan Thomas

Director of Data Science & Multinational Sales