From data to deployment: Recent innovation and market updates in the UK Protection market





Webinar duration:

59 mins


2021’s first quarter was certainly an eventful one, with activity surrounding COVID-19, the vaccine rollout, and fluctuations in the housing market heavily impacting the Protection market. At the same time, many carriers doubled down on product innovation, identifying deeper insights and new opportunities to improve customer and advisor support. 

Key Points

  • Overview of Q1 2021 Protection market volumes and trends
  • Getting more from market data - how innovation in analytics is driving deeper insights into customer and advisor behavior
  • How carriers are leveraging their investments into areas like rate deployment, pricing, and underwriting, transforming them into growth engines


Speaker headshot

Stephen Carlin

UK Customer Success Director & Product Owner
Speaker headshot

Luke Harrison

Head of Data Analytics
iPipeline UK
Speaker headshot

Neha Agarwal

Director of Actuarial Services
iPipeline UK