Competitor rates

Improve decision making through faster access to
competitor rates & insights

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Combine key metrics and automated optimizations in one application

Competitor rates monitoring enables life insurers to understand market rates and analyze competitive position faster and easier than ever before.
Competitive data collection is fully automated, allowing teams to reduce time wasted on data generation and cleansing, and instead spend time delivering valuable insights to the business.
Outputs are visualized in a flexible user-friendly interface, allowing decision-makers to access real-time insights.

Faster and deeper competitor rates intelligence

Reduce data generation and cleansing effort

Free teams up to make informed decisions

Key Benefits

  • Frictionless uploading and access to your competitive data
  • Create market segments to define competitive landscape
  • Observe the market from a competitor’s viewpoint
  • Define target metrics - rank and premium based
  • Compare premiums and ranks dynamically across different date ranges
  • Filter and drill down to see key outliers and trends
  • Download market segment data
  • User-friendly, web-based dashboard interface

Who is it for?

Life insurers who would benefit from a comprehensive view of the term life competitive rates landscape.

  • Senior managers and executives
  • Competitive intelligence teams
  • Product and pricing teams

Decision making as it should be

Understand market rates and analyze your competitive position
faster and easier than ever before.

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