Actuarial Automation - The key to unlock potential you didn't know you have.

Inverting the Actuarial Pyramid

Inverting the actuarial pyramid

What does inverting the actuarial pyramid mean?

By automating many of the operational and production tasks that take up a majority of actuarial time, those resources can be spent analyzing outputs, delivering insights and bringing a new level of value to the organization.

How do we invert the pyramid?

Montoux's Actuarial Automation platform utilizes AI, ML and cloud technology to deliver a best in class experience that automates data transformation, versioning, model reconciliation and many other tasks allowing actuaries to spend their time on the work they enjoy.

Why is this inversion so important?

Drastically increasing the efficiency of the actuarial department turns the perception from a cost center to a profit generator by allowing the team to provide strategic, data driven decisions to the business in real time.


Ultimate control of actuarial models

Rapid & cost effective model runtimes

Transparent models

Automated model reconciliation

Actuarial & data science models in the same environment

Open, low cost APIs

The Montoux platform allows actuaries to use fewer resources to process more data and get better results, at a lower cost in a fraction of the time.

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